Saturday, April 3, 2010

Second dose of quotes

Hi friends, I am here with my second dose of quotes.

 Most of the times I envy the person who will finally get my Ex-Girlfriend, but sometimes I pity.

 I think I am in love again, nah not with a new girl but with my ex-girlfriend.
 You know who generally poke their nose in someone else’s business, those who have got a rather big nose.

 Apart from having some physical problems and few failures in life I think I have been lucky most of the times so far.

 It’s better to think that you are a stupid than to think you are a genius, because that’s not at all true.

 I am living a dream, not a life, but a dream, shattered one.

 I just wish I lived in a world which gave at least death if asked for.

 Why girls blame food for weight gain problem, better blame higgs boson!

 Life looks like a big question mark, the more I stare at it, the more puzzling it becomes.

 Sometimes silence screams so loudly that eyes see nothing but darkness, heart wishes nothing for but death

 Death is something that i would accept as the loveliest gift from GOD

 Its not that sweetness always tastes sweet, sometimes it tastes bitter than any truth, sour than any poison

 its true love has given pain...but i never enjoyed pain this much before.

that's all for now till my brain starts wriggling again...

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Migrating Season

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