Lets Start with a question, say you are blind, then what would be your priority,
Eyes or Beautiful Eyes? In almost all the cases priority would be given to eyes, because as a blind person you would look for eyes, beautiful or not...doesn't matter. At least I used to think so.
But not many agree with me, including the news channel. Last night I was listening to radio, and the radio jockey said "Almost 20,000 people died in China's Earthquake" Since I was out whole day, I was clueless about the earthquake, and it came as a shock. I felt something heavy inside me, probably that was a little of the weight of the people who died in the earthquake. Though I don't like China, but still who died were people...human beings. People having families, having a life(till yesterday) just like any other person on this earth. But now all had vanished in the tremors of some plates miles beneath our feet.
I wanted to know more about the earthquake, so I switched on the TV, expecting TV channels would be showing full coverage of that disaster. But guess what, not even a single news channel mentioned anything about it, except few occasional lines appearing on the bottom of the screen mentioning the China's earthquake. Channels were more interested in a wrestler's fucking life. Some were busy with entertainment news, like bollywood chit-chats, cricket bonanza, some sex maniac father raping her daughter..and I don't know what not.
Have the priorities changed? Has life taken a back seat? Is life so cheap that nobody cares anymore? Is this the so called bloody PERFECT way to live, where no one cares about others, death of 20 grand people affects none, leave alone the tears, nobody even FEELS the sorrow.
Are we dead...more dead than those who died in China? So many questions, and I have NO answer. But wait the real shocker was about to come, it came when after endless surfing among all the news channels I found one news reader telling the TOP STORIES of the day, I waited to listen for China's earthquake, it came but only after he had told everything about IPL(see priorities have really changed), after the long wait the news caster says "About 20,000 people are said to have died in the China's earthquake" WITH A SMILE. Yes that bastard had a smile on his face while reading this news. As if he was making a fool out of us.
I was puzzled, confused...sad? Yes I was..for the stoicism, lifelessness of life. For I found out there are not just 20,000 who died last night, there are many who have died long ago, heartbeats still making noise, but hearts have slept forever. Those moments were anguishing, and I could clearly hear Jack Johnson singing...

But not many agree with me, including the news channel. Last night I was listening to radio, and the radio jockey said "Almost 20,000 people died in China's Earthquake" Since I was out whole day, I was clueless about the earthquake, and it came as a shock. I felt something heavy inside me, probably that was a little of the weight of the people who died in the earthquake. Though I don't like China, but still who died were people...human beings. People having families, having a life(till yesterday) just like any other person on this earth. But now all had vanished in the tremors of some plates miles beneath our feet.
I wanted to know more about the earthquake, so I switched on the TV, expecting TV channels would be showing full coverage of that disaster. But guess what, not even a single news channel mentioned anything about it, except few occasional lines appearing on the bottom of the screen mentioning the China's earthquake. Channels were more interested in a wrestler's fucking life. Some were busy with entertainment news, like bollywood chit-chats, cricket bonanza, some sex maniac father raping her daughter..and I don't know what not.
Have the priorities changed? Has life taken a back seat? Is life so cheap that nobody cares anymore? Is this the so called bloody PERFECT way to live, where no one cares about others, death of 20 grand people affects none, leave alone the tears, nobody even FEELS the sorrow.

I was puzzled, confused...sad? Yes I was..for the stoicism, lifelessness of life. For I found out there are not just 20,000 who died last night, there are many who have died long ago, heartbeats still making noise, but hearts have slept forever. Those moments were anguishing, and I could clearly hear Jack Johnson singing...
"A million people died on the news tonight, but not so many cried at the terrible sight
My mama says, it just make believe, you can't believe everything you see, so baby close your eyes to the lullabies on the news tonight....
why don't the news casters cry when they tell about people who died, atleast they could be decent enough to put just a tear in their eyes
My mama says...."
My mama says, it just make believe, you can't believe everything you see, so baby close your eyes to the lullabies on the news tonight....
why don't the news casters cry when they tell about people who died, atleast they could be decent enough to put just a tear in their eyes
My mama says...."
bitter truth ill say.....media sells what is saleable....it just cares about the TRP's....and IPL sell like hot cakes than china earthquake....personally...ill never watch channels showing china earthquake....not bc i dont feel about it.....but i don't want to experience the pain shown in form of videos and photographs which too are exaggerated forms of events...though some coverage must be given....if u don't prove that world is flat by taking into consideration the pain experienced by fellow human beings you don't have right to believe in a flat world.....it's still a damn sphere....
a writter at his best
i know writing this makes me looks like mad or something
the topic is very serious and has to be taken care of.
u wrote it so beatifully tht i think it should be on the editorial page of the hindu
u should consider sending this document in for publishing
really seriously think about it
and if u want and permit me
i will send it somewhr
waiting for response
well written.. food for thought..
p.s :
my main reason to view ur blog was to say 'Thank You'.. appreciation feels best when it comes from unknown sources..
thanks a zillion, again.
yeah.. added the song ltr... thot it suited the topic.. added a few songs to a few topics.. will add to the rest also, provided i find some more suitable ones.
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