I don’t know from where a dream starts its journey, a journey which often ends in a sad story, a journey which often ends with the death of that dream, just like human beings. Are dreams like human beings? Do they have a life as well? Do they have their own moments of happiness and sorrows? Just like us?
Lets start with a dream, unborn, still not into existence, somewhere behind the clouds of uncertainty it waits for its time to come. It comes, without even knocking the doors of our consciousness. It settles itself in our life like it won’t leave us now, not even if the world asks it to, as if it would carry on even after we lose our own existence. Then a time comes when we feel its presence, “Aaaahhh…a DREAM” we exclaim, so nice so beautiful, so soft on soul, so sweet in taste. A point comes when it's hard to say what to do next, and we think “Should I jump, should I yell from a high point and tell others about MY so precious dream?” That’s a magical period, hard to explain, believe me what I have written is not a single percent of what I felt. It’s just a small effort to give you an Idea of the happiness when a new dream arrives in your heart. The situation is almost like when a new baby is born, the world changes, suddenly, life seems colorful, all we see is the spring of smiles. Yes, exactly, that’s exactly what happens when one feels the dream. Even for me the world had changed, even a colorblind like me saw colors…yes it really happened. That’s the magic, call it the power of dream. Yes, that exactly how we welcome the birth of a new dream, that’s exactly how I welcomed mine.
Life looks like a blossoming garden, so colorful, various flowers of hope spreading the aroma of brightness in it. Grass on ground like the bed made of soft snowy clouds, air full with the freshness of the dream. Am I exaggerating? No I am not, believe me…I am not. That’s how life looks like…until…until we hear a slap. This slap is a very interesting word. Harsh in its taste, short just like its effect, sharp just like the wounds it gives, "never healing ones". Yes that’s how slap works. Short, quick, sharp, effective, and deadly. I call them the slaps of life, yes life slaps, not to hurt you, but to give you a shape which would help to face the winds of troubles. But it hurts, a lot. So that's how the "Slap Of Life" introduces you to the reality.
Slap may come from any corner, but comes from where you expect the least. A slap comes and suddenly the whole garden turns in a sea of sand, burning from beneath, blazing from north. That’s how it happens, and before you realize slap shatters the dream into a million pieces, pieces bleeding, blood oozing out of the edges of shattered dreams. We cry, we moan. Moan is an extremely soft word for the harshest feeling which I wanted to describe. That’s how the dream ends...in a flash. Thats how the life of a dream ends.
But wait, cycle never stops, we don’t stop dreaming after someone brutally murders a dream. We dream, dream like a king, king of a virtual world, world of a dream. Again we go through everything, but still every feeling looks a new one, better than the previous one.
That is how life and dreams keep going on…hands in hand.
This is life and a dream
This is a life of a dream
1 comment:
thts the only word i could get for this one of urs
i have read better ones from ur side but the feeling
the charm of how anyone can think
of a word and think so much abt a word is astonishing
i am not a writer but everyone can understand a writer's feelings
and i felt this one
from my heart
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