Once someone told me there is
nothing as a failed entrepreneur, because till the time an entrepreneur
succeeds, all his failures are nothing but part of his efforts. Similarily when
I see Nokia, I do not see it as a goof up, but a failure. Was there anything
wrong with Nokia, yes, there was, and many things went wrong for them, some
were expected, others were not so expected.
There were two markets, high end
and low end mobile devices market. Till 2007 Nokia was dominating High End
Market with its N-Series phones, while it gave several products in Low End
Market to serve all the market segments. Now to see how from being a market
leader how Nokia became a market struggler, these two markets need to be
discussed in detail, and the incidents which happened in these markets.
Low End Mobile Devices
Even before any smartphone
appeared in the market, it was this market segment which was responsible for
major part of Nokia’s profits. The reason behind it is not hard to guess, Nokia
evolved with the evolving telecommunication industry, there were rarely any
competitors in the market. As a responsible company Nokia should have seen the
threats of the future. It was not hard to see even at that time that as the
telecommunication industry would grow more and more players would enter the
The biggest mistake was to
completely ignore the biggest threat, China. Almost whole world is flooded with
Chinese products, and sooner or later, appearance of Chinese phones in every
market, especially in under-developed and developing markets was not hard to
guess. These two factors, just like the shark’s jaw took the chopped off a
major chunk of Nokia’s market share.
The problems for Nokia didn’t
stop here, to make matters worse, Chinese market was not even organized. Since
Chinese companies always came up with ‘look alike’ mobile phones, their R&D
for mobile phones was negligible, and coupled with Chinese efficient
operations, the mobile phones became at a very low cost, which made it tougher
for Nokia to compete at cost.
Nokia failed at many fronts;
first of all it could not make barriers for new entrants in the mobile phone
markets, and secondly it did not add sufficient value added services in the
phones to avoid competition from such low priced, low quality mobile phones.
Can it be called a goof up of its own kind, yes, to some extent, but more than
that I would blame the short sightedness and complacent attitude of the senior
managers of Nokia. This market today is still
dominated by Nokia, but its market share is the reminiscence of its glorious
High End Mobile Devices
This is the part which has acted
like the last nail in Nokia’s coffin. The future for mobile phones was guessed
almost by every mobile device manufacturer, and everybody made their own
attempts to be the first one and the best one in the future. Apple launched
iPhone, while Samsung came with Galaxy. Nokia also came up with its own smartphones;
they were somewhat like a low budgeted movie which failed without making any
The “summer – cottage culture” of
Nokia lacked innovation and
Entrepreneurial spirit. Every summer since 2007 while Apple Inc. shipped a new iPhone, Nokia managers vacationed at their lake cottages in
Finland. This shows and tells many things about the company, being careless and
complacent are few of the characters, but even more importantly it shows Nokia
has no real leader when the time demands them.
The problem with Nokia was not
that the phones were not good enough, they still were of high quality, but the
problem was they did not understand the market and its competitors. The battle
had advanced to another era, while Nokia insisted to fight in the traditional
ways. The new CEO of Nokia, chose following words to describe Nokia’s mistake
and the market –
Stephen Elop |
“The battle of devices has now become a war of ecosystems, where
ecosystems include not only the hardware and software of the device, but
developers, applications, ecommerce, advertising, search, social applications,
location-based services, unified communications and many other things. Our
competitors aren't taking our market share with devices; they are taking our
market share with an entire ecosystem. This means we're going to have to decide
how we either build, catalyse or join an ecosystem.”
But can we really call it a goof
up, I don’t see it as a goof up because Nokia took the necessary steps in the
direction which they thought is the current one. It is a mistake, but certainly
not a goof up. The Symbian operating system couldn’t sustain itself, it was
certainly a bold gamble, but not a goof up. As an afterthought one may say that
taking such gambles is not a good idea for a company which is struggling to
These two failure has costed
Nokia dearly, while for 2012, the operating losses are at a billion dollar, one
fifth of the Nokia’s staff has been shown the exit gate. The new CEO Stephen
Elop has taken up the toughest job in his career. As he said “Nokia was
standing on a burning platform”, he actually summarized the whole problem, the
competition was tough, and competitors were way ahead. Nokia indeed looks like
a lost cause as of now. But the real question is “Do you really think so?” I
The way I see it, Nokia is going
through the necessary changes it had to go through. As we all know with ten
years of successful run, Nokia had become lethargic, lazy and complacent, it
just needs to restructure itself, bring some good values in the system and shed
some flab to be the lean auick and agile company which is a necessity in
today’s world.
There are many steps which
indicate that Nokia is on road to recovery, like collaboration with Microsoft,
for using Windows mobile platform. As I see it, it is a clever deal not just
because Windows is better than Symbian, but also because it allows risk
mitigation. The failure and cost of failure will be shared by both Microsoft
and Nokia, and not by Nokia alone as earlier was the case with Symbian.
Restructuring will also help in breaking the vices which had covered the
original values for long.
Why do I think Nokia is still
alive, a late started by all means, but not a hopeless cause. I would like to
believe that Nokia is the late bloomers, and it would be what it was, mobile
devices leader. I do not want to believe Nokia will ever be out of the game
because I have my own memories with Nokia, and I have seen it ever since I
started using mobile devices. Nokia fans are still hoping the best for the
company, but even if Nokia fails, I think they will be missed dearly by their
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