Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jesuis Humaine - I Am Human

#JesuisCharlie My Ass. Please pardon my French (ironical, isn’t it), but I have had it enough. 84 school children died in Pakistan few days ago, I guess I missed the #Jesuisl'enfant tweets, freedom of life was never discussed defended so vehemently then. Nothing is an attack on humanity unless it happens in European or American continent is it? A bomb attack in UK is seen as a threat on the whole world, while in India cross border firing killing few people every day is seen as a local issue. Four damn cartoonists and eight others died and a nationwide manhunt ensured the two shooters die as well. Those shooters believed they avenged Allah and Mohammad, and French police believed they avenged humanity I am assuming. What is the difference, both took the same route of revenge? And to cover up the bitter truth, some self-declared prophets of “Freedom of Speech” applied their filthy emotionally masturbated verbal cum on the whole issue.

What exactly is freedom of speech? To say what I wish to say? To not pay heed to the faiths and beliefs of people? It’s a right, every human being’s right. The rights are very mysterious in nature, a human being is believed to have them right from the time of birth. Some pro-life fanatics have even adorned unborn fetus with the same rights. It tells us, how seriously we take it. While I don’t take such creative stupidity very seriously, I fail to understand how no one talks about the responsibilities which come with the fundamental rights as part of the package. For example, if we look at “Right to live”, and add the accountability and responsibility to it, the statement would be “Right to live without damaging, destroying and snatching away right to live of others”. Where is the responsibility towards society in mocking a religion? Calling people living in your country outsiders in an era of globalization? Islam was narrow minded, the so called ‘developed’ people of Europe, where is your broad thinking?

Freedom of speech makes no sense to me if it is not constructive for the society. Mockery of beliefs, faith and religion cannot be part of it. I understand fun, I understand satire but I do not understand mockery. The whole purpose behind coining the term “Freedom of Speech” is lost when the medium is used for anything other than constructive development of society. What was Charlie and his team doing? Pointing at the stupidities of Islam everyday will only make the Islamic people more defensive towards their beliefs, restricting growth of Islam as a whole. I understand if you tell me Islam as a religion has issues, but is there a single religion which is complete in the truest sense. Terrorists are assumed to be muslims, but ask yourself is that true? From ancient times, in the name of Jesus, crusaders massacred men women and children, shan't they be counted as terrorists? Hindus and muslims killed each other during so many riots in past years, both competed for the throne of barbarism, aren’t they both terrorists? Why this special attention on a particular sect? An attention which they never asked for, an attention which is helping them in no way. It is in midst of all this, we are celebrating Freedom of Speech? By doing what? Exaggerating every single stupidity which exists in Islam?

I do not know your father, I hope he is your idol, you believe in him, you have faith in his decisions and actions and way of life. Well, all that is fine but you know what “Fuck your Father”. Would you support this freedom of speech? How is it helping the society by mocking a particular sect, religion? Who will choose what Freedom of Speech is? It’s our responsibility to choose wisely and choose correctly. Have we chosen correctly?

If you think about it, freedom of speech can also be seen as refined form of “Freedom to Express”. Well Charlie thought of expressing via Cartoons, few fanatics chose to express through Guns. Both of them were merely expressing, choice of tool differed. Would you accept that? Don’t pounce upon me with “But killing is wrong?” I don’t deny that, but since when mocking a soul became correct?

Charlie died, before death he was just a cartoonist running a magazine which had weak following. After death he is the symbol of freedom of speech. So ironical I find our way of treating other humans. Exaggerated martyrs are made out of corpses. I read somewhere that this month Charlie’s magazine might sell over 10 Million copies, on an ordinary day it would have sold few thousand at its best, and right there we gave them a free hand to make mockery of society again and with new rigor. Nothing hurts until you are the facing it. Islam might not mean anything to most of the people, but does that allow us to assume it does not mean anything to anyone? For some people, it’s the only way of life. The one precious life which they have, they have put faith in Islam and are following it religiously, adapting the good parts and bad parts. Forgiving the bad parts on account of so many good thing it preaches. They did not give us the right to judge them on account of their faith.

Judge a man for what he has done, not for what he believes, wears or preaches, it’s a personal choice until it starts being a pain to others. What happened to Charlie was wrong, but not on account of what Charlie was spreading. It was wrong because his life was taken without his consent. Can’t we leave the matter to this and stop blaming a whole sect for it? Are our maturity levels so low that we cannot distinguish an act committed by few individuals and an act committed by a whole sect?

I say fuck those who assassinated and fuck Charlie. Both are part of the same stupidity over which we ignore to consider the society. Social norms have become extinct, everything is about being individual, being unique, so much that we turned our back to our own ecosystem, the society. And no, by society I do not mean Facebook or Twitter. Stop covering everything with hash-tags, it rips apart the joys and sorrows of life, making them exactly what they are over internet. “Trending Topics”. While we put up show to fight for humanity we strangle it with our own moral beliefs and actions.

Don’t look for my religion, for I have none. Don’t look for my identity, for its not important. Look at the purpose, and look within yourself. Break the shackles of age old beliefs and words in fashion. Let’s just be what we really are. Humans.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Osama Bin Laden vs. USA- Is It Really That Big?

Some would call it an euphoric moment, the, afterall “America’s” number one enemy has been shot down by the American army.  After ten years of war, trillions of money blown in smoke, and don’t forget the lives of people,  of innocent afghans, of the US soldiers. Yeah you can say its an euphoric moment, but I cant. Was Osama really as big as USA made it? Don’t you think USA aggrandizes a lot. Well they said he planned 9/11, but then they said Iraq had chemical weapons as well. You know what I mean. If you shoot an old lion tied to a tree, is it really an act of bravery?

Its time USA apologizes to the rest of world for their deeds of the present and of the past, and I am damn sure if given the opportunity they would apologize for the future as well. Have we forgotten USA was the country who gave weapons to innocent people of Afghanistan to defeat USSR. It was nothing but an act to boost their ego, to WIN the cold war with Russia. And while they boosted their own ego, Afghanistan became a war trodden country, no food, no infrastructure, no job, just guns in the hand of hungry innocent people. Look what happened, we didn’t even realize when that beautiful country became a butcher’s heaven. These people who are known as Taliban today were once known as innocent people. They didn’t have guns and rocket launchers. Who provided it? We all know. 

Can anybody tell me how can such a fucking great country as USA spend billions in supplying weapons, but not a dime on the restoration of that country. They turned two established, well developed Japanese cities into nuclear bomb testing site and burial ground. If you look at the rate at which the USA keeps waging war, one after the another, I think we should call them the terrorists, the mass murderers. Japan, Vietnam, Russia, Iraq(Twice), Afghanistan, Pakistan and smaller countries like Cuba, Korea. USA has fought with everyone, killing countless innocent people, under the cloak of fake ideologies. Hasn’t USA emerged as the country with the largest stock of terror spreading weapons, nuclear bombs and Chemical weapons. This is USA, and I haven’t yet started on their illegal weapon industry, or the unrest in African nations and USA’s role in it. 

Can anybody in his ir her right mind educate me the reason why USA and NATO(USA’s puppet in other words) are invading Libya? I see this as second Afghanistan in the making. They are giving weapons, again to people to remove Gaddaffi. And if I am right once Gaddaffi is gone, NATO navy ships will head to USA shores, with weapons in the hand of normal citizens or should I add poor citizens of Libya. You know I am not afraid of a soldier who carries a gun, but when a gun gets into the hand of an innocent man, boy I am really scared. Because that man has not yet explored the infinite possibilities that come with the gun, nor does he know the rush of power a gun can make a man feel. And you know what they say, nothing is as dangerous as a curious man.
USA made Israel and started a war, which is far away from the finishing line. Osama was just one of the consequences of Palestien-Israel controversy. In an interview Osama said:-
When Palestienian children throw stones at Israel, they are called terrorists, but when Israelis bomb a whole embassy full of children, women and harmless men, USA says nothing. I think its USA which is the biggest terrorist who has spread violence in many countries and they will keep doing so.”

I think Osama was right, and what he was trying to do couldn’t be anymore correct, but his method was not proper, or effective. Osama should have united the ‘anti-USA’ countries and probably bombed the whole USA with some of their own nuclear medicines. An official war was what Osama needed to initiate. Unfortunately he chose an indirect way to fight against USA. And I don’t think he was able to achieve a lot, I mean if you see whatever he did was nothing but just a poke on the back of ‘uncle Sam‘.

But now he has died, is it that important, I don’t think so, at that age, with all those kidney problems he was of no use, and as far as I see just an officer has died whose post will be taken by someone else. And let me add that I do not hesitate to speculate that this recently promoted person will try something new, something bigger than what Osama ever did. Why would he do it? Because he has some big shoes to fill, and to prove his worth not only to the world but his fellow terrorists.

Don’t think USA doesn’t know this, why else they would close their embassies in Pakistan and Afghanistan un-till further notice. I really would like to ask USA what happened, back home everybody was chanting USA-USA. If that’s how safe you have made your own country and the whole world, then why such tight securities. Somebody is trying to fart without making noise. But hey! what about the smell?

PS:- I am not a Muslim, nor do I have a soft corner for Islam or Muslims. I am just trying to speak my heart and mind, and of course the T.R.U.T.H.

Migrating Season

Pops there is not much difference between humans and birds. We live at some place and then we move to a new city and just like birds we make...