Brothers, this is my opinion that women are taking undue advantage of our simplicity, innocence and big heart. No girls, if you don’t agree with my previous sentence, I can give you proof. First word is simplicity, ok, so when a guy has to fuck a girl, first he needs to flirt with her, then he is expected to impress her with some spectacular stunts, and then if luck really smiles on him he gets a chance to knock at the heaven’s door. But what if a girl desperately wants a guy in bed, all she needs to do is invite! Rest we take care of! See we are simple. Next word is innocence, why do you think we men get married, despite knowing the fact that after marriage, all possibilities of tasting different vaginas drop down to zero. And we all men know, what hell of a thing marriage is but we still do, because are innocence takes all the fake promises and dreams shown by girls seriously. See we are innocent. So last word is big heart…No one can deny the fact that even after marriage if a women comes and asks for help, we never can deny it. We men have the heart to love several girls and few women at the same time. And you thought I was kidding when I said men are simple, innocent and big hearted..uhh!
I think women can give pleasure on bed only, but there also god was not fair to the stronger sex. Just three holes! Can you imagine? As if this not already a bad thing, one hole is like floodgate, nothing can pass through it without damaging it, which girls certainly don’t want. And certainly won’t allow you to enter. And a research shows that only 45% of women give blowjobs! See even the second hole is gone gone gone! All we brothers are left with is one whole which stays closed for one week every month due to maintenance work, and another week if you argue with your women. Oh God, how cruel sometimes your justice can be. I mean you were the creator; you could have made at least seven holes. I am not asking for much, just a hole a day. Is it too much to ask? How did you even assume, leave alone turning it into a practical disaster that we could survive with just three gates to heaven, for whole our lives. Then we are blamed for ogling girls, what else do you think a grief stricken, dissatisfied, withered guy to do?
Brothers, I do not blame you, it’s just sheer bad luck which dooms our life forever. All I can tell you is go fuck as many as you can, go enjoy the body (her body stupid!) as much as you can, before you are dragged in the hell of being with one women all your life.
If I didn’t stop now, I think my girlfriend is going to kill me for ignoring her over phone.
Good bye friends and good luck.
saale tu jinda hai...na koi mail ka reply na kuch....phone number bhi shaayad change kar liyaa....kahan hai tuuuu....???
i think most of the peoples are get good benefited from this information. You must add more details in the next time.
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