Friday, January 14, 2011


As a girl passed me in the metro I became conscious about how good I look, do I look too bald from edges, does that shabby look really goes well or not and I don’t know what not. As I was going through all this I saw my tummy, which was bulging out(girls close your eyes!), well my tummy is not well flourished as you might be imagining right now but still at least its prominent presence cannot be denied. Let me confess I hate that part of my body. With first sight of my tummy my whole attention shifted from that girl to my tummy, and I was thinking, from where the hell it even appeared in first place? I never noticed, Oh God I am not being true. Well let me confess I saw it but ignored it. I started looking for reasons for that unwanted part. Is it due to the fact that I m not doing enough physical work? Or is it some kind of disease? Am I going too look like ‘old’ Adnan Sami in near future? Well I finally found the answer. None of the excuses worked, but at last I found one, my tummy is nothing but my mom’s love. I mean, my mother tries to feed me till I m full up to neck. In breakfast one extra chapatti, some extra milk, I asked her to pack four chapatti in lunch but I found five! That extra spoon of butter in my chicken, that special leg piece in dinner, five and one extra almonds just before hitting the sack. What do you expect after all this feeding, me to be lean as usual? Now way sir, that’s not going to happen, and that’s because of my mother. And I understood right there standing in the metro that my tummy was nothing but my mom’s love. And my little tummy is hiding my mom’s love affection and care in it. How can I hate it, nah not at all. Suddenly I breathed lots of air to inflate my tummy to its maximum, and I was proud of it, all smiling...


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Migrating Season

Pops there is not much difference between humans and birds. We live at some place and then we move to a new city and just like birds we make...