Never in the history of humankind, a generation has so diligently recorded their history while achieving so little
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
I owe jail time
I should be in a jail.
No, not the ones we have everywhere for people who break laws, but a different kind of prison. Ruining lives, breaking people and their trust and altering (not in a good way) some lives forever, these are all crimes which I am guilty of, and I wish there were prisons for such crimes because that is where I belong.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Past is my future
Monday, June 7, 2021
On Mute
First she left.
Then there were words, and then it seemed even the words have left,
Now that's what's left- me and my muted thoughts.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
See you in another life, when we are both bunnies
Lets Resign
Dear blog,
It might sound wrong and utterly disgusting and controversial and all the bad things one can come up with, but I have started wondering where are all those mass shooters, why cant they do it where I live. I ll be done, and with me, all the issues will come to an end.
An end to a useless life is better than dragging it on, something like chess, once you know beyond hope that you will lose, you resign. I wonder why that option doesn't exist in real life.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
No point
I think I have reached a stage where even death doesn't seem to be a permanent solution. Do you understand what and to which extent you have to mess your life up to feel that way? I could tell you, but then I will have to kill you.
I don't hate the fact that someone whose eyes were always full of love for me would never talk to me again, what I hate is that she would never has those lovely eyes for me again, not even in her thoughts, all that would remain is indifference. Devastating.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Relativity at work
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Addiction is a B#%@$
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
swirling thought
Incoherent thoughts of a sleepless night
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Awareness
What if that past data being fed in AI itself is baised because past data does include searches done by humans who were in some or all ways baised. What if the past bais continues to seep into our present.
Some people would say, but hey the past data contains the profile of people who were caught, and maybe AI is doing the right thing. Well lets look at it this way, if in the past you checked 5 women for every 100 men, then naturally more men will be caught, simply because the sample size is significantly bigger. Maybe had they checked more females, they would have caught more females, but that didn't happen and now our dear AI thinks well women are not high risk based on the past data, why should i check them more now! I would continue to pay more attention to males.
This logic can be applied for gender, age, color, nationality or anything that you might think of. If you never looked in a particular direction, how would you find anything there.
Its a vicious cycle. AI learns to be biased, quite unconsciously, based on the previous data, then all the actions it takes, based on that baised past data, are also fed into the AI for it to continue learning, which kind of further cements that bias in the algorithm.
Artificial Intelligence is not really intelligence, its just imitating behaviours to increase the probability of success in whatever that algorithm was built for, based on the data fed into it.
It is critical that we understand that AI, no matter how good, is not at all aware. AI isnt aware how racial profiling was wrong or that we as humans want to change it now. AI isnt aware of apartheid or colonialism or any of the social issues which we has human race have faced and have tried to correct. AI lacks that insight. AI has no sense of wrong or right, or compassion, its just a monkey which imitates whatever you do, only faster and very accurately. It makes us more efficient and accurate but it doesnt make us more correct.
While it is good that AI in several areas has been quite useful, and I am not writing this article to blame anyone or the AI for the bias existing in the system, I believe the next version of Artificial Intelligence would be Artificial Awareness something which would be able to, unlike humans, think rationally and will be able to distinguish between good and bad, would be aware of the history, would take into consideration the collective intellect of humans before it makes a decision. I know it sounds impossible, but then whatever humans have achieved at some point looked impossible. Someday it will become a reality and oh boy that would be something!
Friday, May 14, 2021
Turkish touch to a Tibetian custom
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Why so Hectic?
Last couple of months have been stressful, full of bad moments and at the same time sad moments. Nowadays I am busy in making arrangements for my travel and next destination. Its so hectic that I don't even have time to think back on the time spent in Istanbul. The city I love, and the city which loved me back.
Sometimes, I think one should have some time to at least say a proper good bye. Alas, thats not the luxury I will have as I leave my beloved city.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Where to?
Every time when I come back home, I see my little more older parents, ageing house and feel that heavy musty smell, as if its a place where even time gets old. And then comes a time when I need to leave and every time I leave home, it feels as if a little bit of me dies.
Monday, April 19, 2021
Do you know how important Pepper is?
I love pepper, it has a zing, is edgy and makes my tongue tingle. I loved my Pepper too, pretty much for same reasons, she was unique, had her unique edges and her eyes were the biggest mines of love, love for me. Given how stupid I am, I did something horrible, more horrible than what Voldemort did and now my Pepper is gone. I have no pepper, life is bland and reeks of regret. I deserve it, especially because she didn't deserve any of what she got. Puccu Hububu Pops!
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Jesuis Humaine - I Am Human
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Where Am I?
Thursday, October 2, 2014
All Hail the King?
Migrating Season
Pops there is not much difference between humans and birds. We live at some place and then we move to a new city and just like birds we make...
Lets Start with a question, say you are blind, then what would be your priority, Eyes or Beautiful Eyes? In almost all the cases priority wo...
Few of my friends have gone on a trip to Manali, but no I am not one of them.I am going to my village, almost after six long years. So no ne...
No, don't even think I am about to die, I am talking about the last few days of my college life(for now). Four wonderful years of engine...