Friday, July 2, 2021

Highest cost

What is the most expensive thing that you have ever bought? Or let me reframe the question, what is the highest cost that you have ever paid in your life? Was it worth it?

I suddenly realize, that its not monetary, I compromised my future, that is what I paid, thats what it costed me. A beautiful future.

Its not just me who paid this price, even she did, and it was not even her fault. Sounds a little cocky that I am assuming here that she also thought future with me would have been very beautiful, but even if not that, I know she saw some kind of loving and caring future with me and thats the price she paid. No fault of hers, she paid the price of being with me, of knowing me and of trusting me.

Forever I will have to carry this guilt, not just for breaking her trust but that I jeopardized her future. Forever I will have to carry the burden of this guilt. I destroyed "us".

Let that sink in.

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