Saturday, July 3, 2021

Room to make mistakes

I think humans treat each other very harshly, the room to make mistakes is always zero, simply no room.

For once, if only for few moments, we could cease to be someone's sister or son or father or mother or daughter, and just be humans, we would acknowledge each others' imperfections, we would be less harsh to each other.

We underestimate the power of accepting imperfections, we underestimate the power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness can change lives, can change entire futures, can be the sunlight on a gloomy day for eternity.

As of now I find life very cruel. I am not saying I find life unfair, just very cruel and there is a fine line.

Yes I know what you might say, actions have consequences, and I completely agree. But consequences could be accompanied by foregiveness. Consequences should not be as definite as death, else we will all die everyday.

One death is enough, lets not kill each other everyday. It would be a lot better, if the world could be a little less of everything.

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Migrating Season

Pops there is not much difference between humans and birds. We live at some place and then we move to a new city and just like birds we make...