Saturday, July 3, 2021

Never Asked

Our last conversation echos in my head, she called, said we will not talk anymore and I accepted.

I wonder if she wonders why I never stopped her, why I did not ever try to stop her from changing her mind. I wonder if she thinks I wanted it as well.

Thats not true, I want her so much, if I could, I would beg her everyday to not do it, but I didn't, that's because I know her so well, I don't know anyone else as well as I know her. I knew my begging, or whatever I would say would not matter because her heart had left, it wasnt with me. That was the soul of our relation, her heart. Once the soul had left, what should have I tried to save, the rotting carcass of our love?

There is nothing worse than not having a chance to save what is close to your heart.

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Migrating Season

Pops there is not much difference between humans and birds. We live at some place and then we move to a new city and just like birds we make...