We die, that's the truth. If you ask why do we die, there is a simple answer, because our organs or something else which makes us function and keeps us alive fails and that results in death. Deeper question why do organs and functions stop at all. If I keep adding calories and nutrients, why would the organs stop working. That in a way tells us we all come with an expiry date, irrespective of what we do, we are all born with expiry date. That expiry date can change based on our habits and lifestyle choices, but we can never get rid of that expiry date.
I was watching a very beautiful video on Microcosmos (link below), and the narrator says life is a chemical system that uses energy to to keep itself from reaching equilibrium. What is equilibrium? It means essentially we are made up of things that want us to die so that those things can reach equilibrium- their final state.
It is odd considering it is the same system which wants to keep us alive. So the things which want to keep us alive also want us to die. For all that we are made of, its a constant fight with itself. A fight which we win most of the days, but lose on that one fine day which becomes the end of us.
Losing equilibrium as we now know is lethal. I wonder if there is an emotional equilibrium which keeps us alive. A constant fight between the hope and despair, love and hate, anger and joy, chaos and calm. To me all these emotions boil down to one- "Sense of Purpose". Every other emotion is just a by-product of this one emotion. To me, sense of purpose is that fight against the equilibrium which keeps us alive.
I lost that sense of purpose ever since she left (she left because I was horrible). Ever since then there is a void, its like the mother of all emotions died and slowly gradually the by-products have disappeared.
PS:I am leaving this beautiful thought provoking video below -