Friday, October 7, 2011
I Hope I Live By
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Words Oh Words!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Holi Walk
Friday, January 14, 2011
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Famous Indian Conundrum And Society
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Atheist O Atheist
But I am not here to talk about the right and wrong, but to satisfy my own need of satisfaction. In this modern India I have seen people trying to act as an atheist, just be in fashion. So that they don’t become outdated temple going simple guy. They perhaps don’t know what literally atheist means. Ask them and they will say atheists are those who don’t believe in God. But can you reject something which never existed? Let me have the privilege of explaining the point, because it’s the base. For example if I say that I don’t believe in mentodiagrama, a kind of element found rarely on earth. Now tell me what was the first question which came into your mind? Is there any element named mentodiagrama? But what is happening here I said I don’t believe in this element. Why my own statement is actually giving birth to this new element. Why my own negative statement is fuelling the existence of this element. How can the question of believing or not believing arise in respect of something which never existed? So my point is when an atheist says that he doesn’t believe in God, he is actually contributing in giving others a notion of doubt that something called God can exist.
When someone asks me do I believe in God, I have to say No. And that’s exactly where they see me in a different way (specially those old spiritual people). And believe it or not, it’s not a good way, they look at me. Someone taunted once that not believing in God won’t give you more credit. And all I could say was I know. But who the hell wants credit. Does that mean that those who believe get credit? Who says, credit my ass.
What do you think how old can atheism be? A modern subject for those who want to increase their cool quotient? No it’s not. I would like to give a small account of Amartya Sen, the Nobel laureate.
He writes in one of his books
“Since my childhood thoughts- for what they were worth- did not attract me at all to religion, I asked my grandfather whether I should be concerned that religion did not appeal to me. He told me, ‘No, in fact there is no case for religious convictions until you are able to think seriously for yourself – it will come with time.’ Since in my case it did not come at all (my scepticism seemed to mature with age), I told my grandfather, some years later, that he had been absolutely wrong. ‘Not at all,’ replied my grandfather, ‘you have addressed the religious question, and you have placed yourself, I see, in the aesthetic- The Lokayata- part of the Hindu spectrum!’”
So now I can proudly say that atheism in India is as old as Amrtya Sen. But no, its even more older. First let me expand Lokayata for you. Lokyata was a clan of people who had their doubts about any supernatural power or any special power in general. The active presence of atheism and and materialism could be felt in Ramayana (Rama and Javali conversation) and Geeta (Arjun Krishna conversations). Intricate arguments against Rama’s and Krishna’s orthodox views are elaborately accommodated and preserved in the body of the establish texts themselves. Even though orthodoxy is shown to win in the end, the vanquished scepticism lives on well conserved in the dialogic account. In Ramayana Javali is given a chance in the epic to spell out why he comes to that negative judgement: ‘ I am really anxious for those who, disregarding all tangible duties and work that lie within the province of perception, busy themselves with ethereal virtue alone. They just suffer various miseries on earth, preceding their annihilation by death’
The Lokayata philosophy of skepticism and materialism flourished from the first millennium BCE, and it was accepted by the Hinduism without any perceptions and assumption.
I would like to end this topic with the last lines of Vedas:-
Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? The God came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. Who then knows, whence it has arisen.
Whence it has arisen- perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not – the one who looks down in it, only he knows- or perhaps he does not know.
These 3500 year old doubts recur in Indian critical debates again and again. Indeed, Sanskrit not only has a bigger body of religious literature than any other classical language, it also has a larger volume of agnostic or atheistic writings than any other language.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Second dose of quotes
Most of the times I envy the person who will finally get my Ex-Girlfriend, but sometimes I pity.
I think I am in love again, nah not with a new girl but with my ex-girlfriend.
You know who generally poke their nose in someone else’s business, those who have got a rather big nose.
Apart from having some physical problems and few failures in life I think I have been lucky most of the times so far.
It’s better to think that you are a stupid than to think you are a genius, because that’s not at all true.
I am living a dream, not a life, but a dream, shattered one.
I just wish I lived in a world which gave at least death if asked for.
Why girls blame food for weight gain problem, better blame higgs boson!
Life looks like a big question mark, the more I stare at it, the more puzzling it becomes.
Sometimes silence screams so loudly that eyes see nothing but darkness, heart wishes nothing for but death
Death is something that i would accept as the loveliest gift from GOD
Its not that sweetness always tastes sweet, sometimes it tastes bitter than any truth, sour than any poison
its true love has given pain...but i never enjoyed pain this much before.
that's all for now till my brain starts wriggling again...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
But Only Sometimes
I feel the evil spirit of indecision eating at my soul.
I feel the nightmares of misty voices of faces I can not find.
I feel the day's emptiness of a forgotten life taking its tool.

When I'm alone I hear the unspoken word of a friendly foe.When I'm alone I hear nothing but the footsteps of my own fleeing sanity.
When I'm alone I hear the voice of the child, “Say it isn't so.”
When I'm alone I hear the the insults of my own vanity.
But only sometimes.
When I'm with you, you say you love me, but my mind does not compute it.
When I'm with you, a room cluttered with chairs separates us from the truth.
When I'm with you feelings of sorrow give it proof.
I hear friends speak of nothing on the realm of the happy kingdom.
I hear the sounds of laughter coming from very corner.
I hear the waves of friendly salvation as the rising of the sun.
I hear the voice of the child saying, “Come home, sweet Martyr.”
But only sometimes.
Sometimes I'm weak.
Sometimes I'm strong.
Sometimes I see.
Sometimes not.
Nothing lasts forever.
Monday, June 23, 2008
A nice this time I haven't written it
Given that We're Happy to Be Here
Given that we're happy to be here,
Remember what we're gaining and we're losing.
Admittedly, the moment is confusing,
Demanding sad farewells and well-earned cheer.
Underneath the moment is the motion,
A silent passage out to open sea,
Taking place regardless what may be
In front of us, a ritual commotion.
Of what we are, but little will remain,
Nor will we ever come this way again.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Divisions & Multiplications
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hey Time..Lets take a walk
I have opened MS word, but I really don’t know what I want to write. I am going, really I am. How does it feel? Bad, for leaving everything, every single thing which till now acted like my life support system. Friends…it’s hard to leave them, to tell yourself that you won’t even see most of them again. It’s like trying to erase something written by pen. Leaving those girls who never came so close, but never went that far as well, hope to date with them would go down with the first step in the train(stop laughing!). With that first step, with that new beginning, several things would end, several parts of my stories would find solace in the history. Just 20 days, that’s all I am left with. Time is too short. I needed some more time, to finish off few things, to meet my old buddies, meet few people around me. Tell them how much I respect their presence in my life, how much I would miss them. Even these songs are not making things easy. Every time I try to look at the blinking cursor, my vision gets blurred, the head as well. Circling memories cover up the whole memory like pregnant clouds of monsoon cover the sky. I close my eyes; try hard to listen to my heart beats, just to assure myself I m alive. I wish I could say some last few words to few people long gone. I wish I could complete those unfinished sentences, say some words who are still finding a base to stand upon. I wish time slows down like any slow motion movie clip, for I want to live these moments more than time is allowing me. Lets stretch the time a bit more, for I want to travel a bit more on the road of time with my friends and family around me. It looks like suddenly someone has pushed me out of my shell. I wish I could sleep a bit more in the soothing darkness of comfort before standing alone in the sunshine, alone, absolutely alone. I wish I could spend some more time before scripting a new beginning. A new beginning is about to begin, like a sunshine and I have shrunk my self to the comforting shadows of past, making sure this new sunshine doesn’t touch me anywhere. I wish I could say a little more than I have, for my heart is full of thoughts, but words have refused to give me a company. Fingers are finding it hard to type, as the numbness had made the movements sluggish. Its like I m dragging my fingers just like dragging myself to keep up with time…a constant war, and a constant defeat. Brad Paisley still singing I Live For Little Moments Like That….
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A short Story
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Devil Is BACK!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Bye-Bye for sometime
I just hope that it would bring the much needed welcome change in my life. With all my friends away I do nothing except playing games, chatting and a bit of book reading, gradually all this was becoming a bit boring, and I hate boredom in my kingdom. Probably this small village trip would help...I hope so.

But yeah I would miss few things, like my super selector contest(no internet there), Discovery Channel, My Blog. But I have to go, so Bye-Bye Miss Blog(yeah my blog is like my girlfriend, thats why I am using 'Miss'!) Miss You...Love You(whispering).
Cya all after sometime!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Lets Try Again
if you only knew
all that i'd do
not to lose you
my heart's in pain
no sunshine just rain
a tear stain
i'm going insane
you can save me
just try to be
not you and i, but we

together you see
the hurt is real
my soul you kill
my spirit you steal
and yet i feel
locked in your heart
can't break apart
or know where to start
its abstract art
complex at best
is there any rest
is this a test
were on a quest
can we last
and let go the past
our love's been cast
and true and vast
we can withstand
the test of time and
of each other demand
love thats grand
respect, honesty
patience, humility
compassion, loyalty
infinitely, all eternity.
Monday, May 19, 2008
From my archives..I SEE
A search in the desert of pain, directionless, purposeless. It has no definition, no existence. Nothing to prove, nothing to show. All it has is the loneliness. The music of winds is as if restless souls crying for salvation. It is a kind of music played during requiem. I "m in a search of what I don"t know, I follow a voice which comes from where I don't know, I keep moving to where I don't know. I am a peregrine, I travel not an inch on the roads but miles in my thoughts, I eat nothing but my own soul, I breath nothing just the winds of painful desert. A desert which has no beginning, neither I see any end of it. I see the stars in the sky, without them, I don't like the sky. In these stars, I see my life like a collection of million stories. Each in its place, few of them linked together, just like the constellations, few are too dim to be seen, but still they exist. I see them watching me, as if they are enjoying this story of mine, a story I hate, my life. I see them laughing, weeping, and sometimes even teasing me. But I love them, at least I have someone to share this hopeless story. When will this story end, I am tired of my role.
When I close my eyes, I see a scene, where I see lots of people, all in black. Lots of leaves, more on roads than on trees, I hear that mourning sound of floating dried leaves on the road. Sometimes in the air, sometimes kissing the road and then again with the wind. I see those people in black, sympathy in their eyes, looking at the one in the coffin performing the final act of his story, probably the easiest one, you don't have to show emotions, no way you can utter words. All you have to do is lay there, still, eyes closed. Isn't that easy? And the next moment I see those people in black whispering when the earth has swallowed the existence of the dead. Gradually one by one everybody disperses, even those who loved the dead. What is left behind is haunting voices, whispers of silence, and leaves everywhere, gently assuring the dead, you are not alone, we are there for you. Just surrender yourself to the winds. These winds, so cold on face, so soft on skin, and so harsh on heart.
I see some faces, their shadows. They have intruded even in my dreams. I would love to forget these faces, these entities of past keep haunting me in the present. In particular, I see a face I loved a lot; I see the beauty, which only I discovered. I see her going away, disappearing in the extreme intensity of light. No, no please don't go, don't leave me here alone. You remember, you did some promises, its time to show that you meant what you said. I have some questions, but no one can answer except the one who has long gone. I miss her, I see the winds touching her face as I used to. I see them (winds) playing with her long silky hair as my fingers used to play. I see her clothes kissing her skin as I would have kissed her. I see her eyes with a bit of “kajol” looking at me with a kind of love, which I see in the eyes of none. I still remember how I used to hold her soft hands in mine, I remember that feel and warmth of her presence, those tiny droplets of sweat on her forehead, her smell, those three dimples, that angel smile spreading orchids everywhere. I see everything, every time, all the time, everywhere. I remember everything, every time, all the time, everywhere.
Monday, May 12, 2008
How many died? many are dead?

But not many agree with me, including the news channel. Last night I was listening to radio, and the radio jockey said "Almost 20,000 people died in China's Earthquake" Since I was out whole day, I was clueless about the earthquake, and it came as a shock. I felt something heavy inside me, probably that was a little of the weight of the people who died in the earthquake. Though I don't like China, but still who died were people...human beings. People having families, having a life(till yesterday) just like any other person on this earth. But now all had vanished in the tremors of some plates miles beneath our feet.
I wanted to know more about the earthquake, so I switched on the TV, expecting TV channels would be showing full coverage of that disaster. But guess what, not even a single news channel mentioned anything about it, except few occasional lines appearing on the bottom of the screen mentioning the China's earthquake. Channels were more interested in a wrestler's fucking life. Some were busy with entertainment news, like bollywood chit-chats, cricket bonanza, some sex maniac father raping her daughter..and I don't know what not.
Have the priorities changed? Has life taken a back seat? Is life so cheap that nobody cares anymore? Is this the so called bloody PERFECT way to live, where no one cares about others, death of 20 grand people affects none, leave alone the tears, nobody even FEELS the sorrow.

I was puzzled, confused...sad? Yes I was..for the stoicism, lifelessness of life. For I found out there are not just 20,000 who died last night, there are many who have died long ago, heartbeats still making noise, but hearts have slept forever. Those moments were anguishing, and I could clearly hear Jack Johnson singing...
My mama says, it just make believe, you can't believe everything you see, so baby close your eyes to the lullabies on the news tonight....
why don't the news casters cry when they tell about people who died, atleast they could be decent enough to put just a tear in their eyes
My mama says...."
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Last Few Days
I still remember my first day in institute, how I entered the main entrance gate scared from the "HUNGRY FOR RAGGING" seniors, excited about the coming future, anxious about the way my classmates would behave. All so many things I had in my head while I searched for my class. I remember how we(me and my friends) used to be in the first year. With time boldness grew older as well, and we started bunking classes, used to run from the Mathematics class AFTER attendance. There are so many memories in every corner of my head, stored like mini clips, and I play them, whenever, wherever I want. Memories are still so fresh that it looks like only yesterday I was in the first year, and now here I am...about be thrown out of the college after four years.
The most amazing part is the drastic changes around and within me. Yes, I have changed, a lot, I don't know whether for good or bad, but I have changed. From cold drinks to beer to whiskey to rum to ciggs! Yes I have changed and so have people around me. Some have grown fatter, some have shrunk further, some people are noticed by the size of their tummies while some others are noticed by their muscles! Probably from boyhood to manhood, all have changed.
And suddenly a sinking feeling comes and says "Dude, its all over now". A hungry world awaits, jobs, so called responsibilities are waiting patiently to put the burden on me, while my heart still want to be with my friends, still wants to spend some time with friends under a tree sipping chilled beer.
These four years have given me some nice friends, and foes(nice ones!) as well! I have gained hell lot of knowledge( I doubt though) and a bit of experience (No matter how much you gain, it still looks small). I will miss my days, my friends, my college life, bunking classes, troubling teachers, reading newspaper in the classroom, drinking beer in the college campus, finishing practical work in the last minute, outdoor trips with friends, "BIRD WATCHING", though there were not many beautiful birds but still I will miss my favorite job!
I really don't know what's next, but I will miss everything about the last four years. I don't know how to end this, shall I wish good luck to all my friends AND foes, nay, I don't think so, then shall I leave an emotional message for them, NOWAY!
mmmm.... Lets leave it just like friends are smart enough to figure out what I am saying.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Life Of A Dream...

I don’t know from where a dream starts its journey, a journey which often ends in a sad story, a journey which often ends with the death of that dream, just like human beings. Are dreams like human beings? Do they have a life as well? Do they have their own moments of happiness and sorrows? Just like us?
Lets start with a dream, unborn, still not into existence, somewhere behind the clouds of uncertainty it waits for its time to come. It comes, without even knocking the doors of our consciousness. It settles itself in our life like it won’t leave us now, not even if the world asks it to, as if it would carry on even after we lose our own existence. Then a time comes when we feel its presence, “Aaaahhh…a DREAM” we exclaim, so nice so beautiful, so soft on soul, so sweet in taste. A point comes when it's hard to say what to do next, and we think “Should I jump, should I yell from a high point and tell others about MY so precious dream?” That’s a magical period, hard to explain, believe me what I have written is not a single percent of what I felt. It’s just a small effort to give you an Idea of the happiness when a new dream arrives in your heart. The situation is almost like when a new baby is born, the world changes, suddenly, life seems colorful, all we see is the spring of smiles. Yes, exactly, that’s exactly what happens when one feels the dream. Even for me the world had changed, even a colorblind like me saw colors…yes it really happened. That’s the magic, call it the power of dream. Yes, that exactly how we welcome the birth of a new dream, that’s exactly how I welcomed mine.
Life looks like a blossoming garden, so colorful, various flowers of hope spreading the aroma of brightness in it. Grass on ground like the bed made of soft snowy clouds, air full with the freshness of the dream. Am I exaggerating? No I am not, believe me…I am not. That’s how life looks like…until…until we hear a slap. This slap is a very interesting word. Harsh in its taste, short just like its effect, sharp just like the wounds it gives, "never healing ones". Yes that’s how slap works. Short, quick, sharp, effective, and deadly. I call them the slaps of life, yes life slaps, not to hurt you, but to give you a shape which would help to face the winds of troubles. But it hurts, a lot. So that's how the "Slap Of Life" introduces you to the reality.
Slap may come from any corner, but comes from where you expect the least. A slap comes and suddenly the whole garden turns in a sea of sand, burning from beneath, blazing from north. That’s how it happens, and before you realize slap shatters the dream into a million pieces, pieces bleeding, blood oozing out of the edges of shattered dreams. We cry, we moan. Moan is an extremely soft word for the harshest feeling which I wanted to describe. That’s how the dream a flash. Thats how the life of a dream ends.
But wait, cycle never stops, we don’t stop dreaming after someone brutally murders a dream. We dream, dream like a king, king of a virtual world, world of a dream. Again we go through everything, but still every feeling looks a new one, better than the previous one.
That is how life and dreams keep going on…hands in hand.
This is life and a dream
This is a life of a dream
Migrating Season
Pops there is not much difference between humans and birds. We live at some place and then we move to a new city and just like birds we make...
Lets Start with a question, say you are blind, then what would be your priority, Eyes or Beautiful Eyes? In almost all the cases priority wo...
Few of my friends have gone on a trip to Manali, but no I am not one of them.I am going to my village, almost after six long years. So no ne...
No, don't even think I am about to die, I am talking about the last few days of my college life(for now). Four wonderful years of engine...